INTENT: Lacnor, Emirates Macroni and Del monte in partnership with Dubai Health Authority and Dubai Muncipality conducted a back to school program focused on health and sustainability. This program encouraged school kids connection with health and environment. The intention was to inspire, engage and mobilize the future generation, understanding and appreciating healthier food choices, getting fit and being mindful of the environment around us.
EXPERIENCE: Around 300 students of grade 1 and grade 2 students attended the event. Students were welcomed to the event by the Mascots. A Doctor from DHA explained the students regarding kids health- eating right and feeling bright. The doctor created awareness regarding healthy food and its importance, food groups and healthy plate, the need to keep hydrated and how to read food labels.
Ms. Juhi Singh conducted the next topic on Recycling. She explained about what is waste material, how to reduce, reuse and recycle, what is recycling, what we can recycle, how we can recycle. Interactive activities likes games and quizzes were played with the students and gift bags were distributed to all of them.
INSIGHT: Though this knowledgeable event, our students were inspired, engaged and mobilized to understand and appreciate getting fit, making healthier food choices and being mindful of the environment.