INTENT: The Orientation Programme held between 28 March 2023 and 19 April 2023 for the parents of pre-kg to grade 12 students was specifically designed to provide helpful information about school guidelines and objectives, curricular and co-curricular activities through the year.
EXPERIENCE: The Leadership team led by the phase supervisors, welcomed the gathering followed class teachers who gave in-depth information about student curriculum, activities and the students’ journey at Credence High School. The parents were briefed about the various methodologies deployed while transacting curriculum. The importance of personal grooming and hygiene, parent and school communication, medical care and assessment patterns was also discussed.
The importance of physical activity for the fitness of the child was conveyed and queries and doubts were clarified in the questions and answer session at the end of the programme. Parents also interacted with the teachers personally to acquire the desired information and understand the school culture.
INSIGHT: The session concluded with the clear understanding by all present that communication and good parent school partnership is imperative and key for a successful academic year. All of us at Credence are looking forward to a fruitful and rewarding year ahead.