INTENT: Floraison Dental Clinic conducted a Dental Wellness Campaign focused on Dental Health of the students. This program encouraged the students to promote Dental Care and Hygiene. The intention was to inspire, and educate the future generation, to have a healthy oral health.
EXPERIENCE: Around 400 students of KG 2 and grade 1 attended the event. Students were welcomed to the event by Ms. Niyatee. Dr. Anita George, The Dentist from Floraison Dental clinic conducted the health awareness session to the students. She explained them regarding kids dental health- eating right food.
Dr. Anita educated the students on how the teeth help us in many ways, what are the factors that hurt and spoil the teeth. She explained how the students can keep their tooth health and clean. A small video was played on how to correctly brush teeth and keep it clean. Dr. Anita demonstrated how to brush the teeth and asked the student volunteer to redemonstrate the same. This effectively help the student to learn and understand about dental hygiene.
INSIGHT: Though this knowledgeable event, our students were inspired, engaged and mobilized to understand and appreciate method to brush the teeth and ways to keep the teeth healthy.